I seem to do ok with small dish gardens of succulents. I guess they are very hardy and can live without much care.

This is my Meyer Lemon tree. It is one year old and has grown quite a bit. Acutally stayed alive even though it had it's problems with bugs. I am hoping it will grown tall and healthy and bear fruit sooner than later. But those pesky little black bugs appear from time to time and I have to spray them with vinegar water and wipe them off the tender your leaves. Wish us luck
These are my cucumbers. And one volunteer tomato plant. My parents were able to grown a huge garden full of vegetables, but not me, I guess it's not an inherited trait. I love tomatoes but tomato plants don't love me. I have tried almost very type available in Hawaii to no avail. So I'm switching to cucumbers.
Oh, basil does grown well for me.
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